Avoid These 15 Popular Beers If You Want To Lose That Beer Belly

Credit: Dispatchist

Credit: Dispatchist[/caption]

The “beer belly” is an infamous term that refers to the gut that develops when someone drinks an excessive amount of beer, and it turns out there’s a simple solution to getting rid of that bulge. While many will say to give up beer entirely, that’s not necessary if you know which beers to avoid.

The reason these bellies develop is not necessarily because of some magical ingredient in beer that causes the swift formation of fat in your midsection. It’s actually from consuming too many calories, which can be done with any food or drink you ingest, but it’s much easier and more common to down a six-pack (or more) at a party or at home that’s packed with calories.

To add to this, when someone drinks alcohol, their liver begins to work to burn the alcohol rather than using that time to burn fat. Alcohol intake increases your appetite as well, causing people to consume more food while continuing to burn no fat.

If you want to avoid this cycle, you don’t have to completely stop drinking beer. Look no further to determine which beers you should cut from your diet to cut out that beer belly.

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